codepush.gradle 5.36 KB
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// Adapted from

import java.nio.file.Paths;

def config = project.hasProperty("react") ? project.react : [];
def bundleAssetName = config.bundleAssetName ?: ""

// because elvis operator
def elvisFile(thing) {
    return thing ? file(thing) : null;

void runBefore(String dependentTaskName, Task task) {
    Task dependentTask = tasks.findByPath(dependentTaskName);
    if (dependentTask != null) {
        dependentTask.dependsOn task

gradle.projectsEvaluated {
    android.buildTypes.each {
        // to prevent incorrect long value restoration from strings.xml we need to wrap it with double quotes
        it.resValue 'string', "CODE_PUSH_APK_BUILD_TIME", String.format("\"%d\"", System.currentTimeMillis())
    android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        def nodeModulesPath;
        if (config.root) {
            nodeModulesPath = Paths.get(config.root, "/node_modules");
        } else if (project.hasProperty('nodeModulesPath')) {
            nodeModulesPath = project.nodeModulesPath
        } else {
            nodeModulesPath = "../../node_modules";

        def targetName =
        def targetPath = variant.dirName

        def jsBundleDir;
        def resourcesDir;
        def jsBundleFile;

        // Additional node commandline arguments
        def nodeExecutableAndArgs = config.nodeExecutableAndArgs ?: ["node"]
        def extraPackagerArgs = config.extraPackagerArgs ?: []

        // Make this task run right after the bundle task
        def generateBundledResourcesHash;

        if (variant.hasProperty("bundleJsAndAssets")) {
            def reactBundleTask = variant.bundleJsAndAssets
            jsBundleDir = reactBundleTask.generatedAssetsFolders[0].absolutePath
            resourcesDir = reactBundleTask.generatedResFolders[0].absolutePath
            jsBundleFile = file("$jsBundleDir/$bundleAssetName")

            generateBundledResourcesHash = tasks.create(
                    name: "generateBundledResourcesHash${targetName}",
                    type: Exec) {
                commandLine (*nodeExecutableAndArgs, "${nodeModulesPath}/react-native-code-push/scripts/generateBundledResourcesHash.js", resourcesDir, jsBundleFile, jsBundleDir)

                enabled config."bundleIn${targetName}" ||
                config."bundleIn${}" ?:
        } else {
            def jsBundleDirConfigName = "jsBundleDir${targetName}"
            jsBundleDir = elvisFile(config."$jsBundleDirConfigName") ?:

            def resourcesDirConfigName = "resourcesDir${targetName}"
            resourcesDir = elvisFile(config."${resourcesDirConfigName}") ?:

            // In case version of 'Android Plugin for Gradle'' is lower than 1.3.0 
            // '$buildDir' has slightly different structure - 'merged' folder
            // does not exists so '${targetPath}' folder contains directly in 'res' folder.
            if (!resourcesDir.exists() && file("$buildDir/intermediates/res/${targetPath}").exists()) {
                resourcesDir = file("$buildDir/intermediates/res/${targetPath}")

            jsBundleFile = file("$jsBundleDir/$bundleAssetName")

            def resourcesMapTempFileName = "CodePushResourcesMap-" + java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0,8) + ".json"

            generateBundledResourcesHash = tasks.create(
                    name: "generateBundledResourcesHash${targetName}",
                    type: Exec) {
                commandLine (*nodeExecutableAndArgs, "${nodeModulesPath}/react-native-code-push/scripts/generateBundledResourcesHash.js", resourcesDir, jsBundleFile, jsBundleDir, resourcesMapTempFileName)

            // Make this task run right before the bundle task
            def recordFilesBeforeBundleCommand = tasks.create(
                    name: "recordFilesBeforeBundleCommand${targetName}",
                    type: Exec) {
                commandLine (*nodeExecutableAndArgs, "${nodeModulesPath}/react-native-code-push/scripts/recordFilesBeforeBundleCommand.js", resourcesDir, resourcesMapTempFileName)

            runBefore("bundle${targetName}JsAndAssets", recordFilesBeforeBundleCommand)

            // We need to generate and record the resources map, but we use it to generate the bundle hash

        runBefore("processArmeabi-v7a${targetName}Resources", generateBundledResourcesHash)
        runBefore("processX86${targetName}Resources", generateBundledResourcesHash)
        runBefore("processUniversal${targetName}Resources", generateBundledResourcesHash)
        runBefore("process${targetName}Resources", generateBundledResourcesHash)